Lopunny's Pain

{{NSFW}}The official spinoff to
Credited to [https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3672283/aki9912 Aki9912]


Chapter 1: My Special Someone

Hey, this is Jenna. I have a child forming
inside my tummy from the Lucario I love, he has told you our tale till
chapter 8, but before the epilogue, me first.
Since I was born I
was unusually happy, I came out of my mom smiling, happy to feel these
brand new sensations, light, outside air, hands, everything was new to
me. Let's start with my family, I am an only child, if you hadn't
already figured.
My mom, former normal type military member, was a
sexy, odd, experimental girl. In the service, she had mated with
countless Pokémon, even enemies. She was madly in love with my father,
she would carry out any sexual whim he could desire, blowjob, footjob,
whatever fetish he thought of, she would gladly accept and do. Why,
because my mom is a sex fiend, but she has an intimate relationship with
him outside of sex. As a kid, most guys were intimidated by her, but my
father watched her from the shadows. She had caught him and black
mailed him into spending time with her, which my father didn't show any
sign of objecting to.
As they grew older, my parents only got
closer, as my dad asked my mom out to a dance, where everyone teased him
because he was with her. He had stood up for my mom embarrassing her,
so she decided to join the military to become stronger. She was place in
the 9th Lopunny squadron, she eventually became the lieutenant of the
squad. She came back one holiday and was in heat that my dad could not
simply ignore, so he had to fuck her. That was when I started to come
My dad, he was a shy kid. As a young Buneary he was teased a
lot, particularly by Tyrogue. One day he say mom picking flowers and
talking to herself, which she had a habit of doing. He thought she was
the prettiest Buneary he had seen.
My dad had stalked her for
several weeks without her noticing, for she had no idea. He had been
convinced a while ago that he was in love with her, and he was content
in seeing her from a distance. He had drawn pictures of her, sniffed
everything she had touched, adamantly and inconspicuously observing
every move, every twitch, every remotely questionable gesture. One day,
he was watching her from a treetop near a Beedrill hive. He was savagely
attacked by the entire community of Beedrill forcing him of the tree
near my mom.
"Who the heck are you and why were you doing in the trees," said my mom.
"My name is Cal, and I was… uh…" my dad tried to select his words carefully
"*gasp* You were stalking me, weren't you?" asked my mom as she eyed him suspiciously.
"No, I was… uh…"
up, I'm no dummy, if you don't want me to tell everyone everything
about this then you must be my partner from now on, by the way, my name
is Cherry."
My father had never been happier with or more
fascinated with a girl than he was with my mom. Overtime they had
gradually developed a strong, mutual feeling of love between them.
the Christmas in which my dad had impregnated my mom with me, she was
forcefully discharged from the military. She had actually went into a
depression after this, but my dad kept encouraging her saying that after
I was born she could go back to the military. The two Lopunny were very
excited to have a child you see. There were some complications with me
though, my mom, being toughened from being a military dog, well rabbit,
and her hormones from her pregnancy caused her to take her frustration
out on an unsuspecting Rhydon. She had served 2 weeks in prison but got
out on a hormonal insanity plea. She was found not guilty and was able
to have me 6 weeks later, I was a few days early. After having me, not
too long after my mom tried to reenter the military but was told she was
unable because she had had a child. You see after military she was a
tough cookie, and jail only hardened her core even more. She seized an
opportunity and almost struck and killed a guard in charge of
recruiting, which is a crime in the Sinnoh Region, which earned her a
life sentence with the death penalty.
After my mom's execution, my
dad had secluded himself from the outside world, he wouldn't come out
of his room, not even to eat. I just wanted to see him happy, and I knew
about what he did with mom. I had told him that I may not be as good as
mom, but hopefully I could be of help to him. I guess this was the
beginning of my man problems…


Chapter 2: Men Issues

knew my dad had been without sex for a while, and frankly the thought
of sex scared me because all of my friends talked about how their
parents said they can get STDs. This was different from having sex with a
friend though, this was someone I knew, some I trusted, someone I love
and who loves me. One of the pairs of nurturing hands I had as a baby
growing up were then teasing my pussy like I was a cheap tramp, and I
was actually enjoying it. I don't know why but i actually like this sick
feeling hat my dad s giving me, when i think back on it, it really
disgusts me.
I felt my dad putting his tongue in my hole as I moan
in pleasure encouraging him to go faster and harder. I remember every
single sensation I felt, from ecstasy to pain. I felt the pleasure from
my dad's tongue increase as he started to nibble on my clit causing me
to reach my orgasm. I had peed, yes peed, all over my dad's face, to
which he lapped up my bodily fluids happily. In reality I knew what I
was doing to my father Lopunny was wrong, but as a young Buneary all I
wanted was to make my dad happy. We do crazy things for people we love,
don't we.
Eventually, he pulled out his Lopunny cock and made me
suck on it, I tried my best, using my paws to trail behind my mouth,
using my tongue to cover my tracks, flicking it over the tip giving my
father an extra sense of pleasure. He actually said I sucked better than
my mom which made me feel good, what kind of slut was I? I soon felt
him start to force his cock into my vaginal opening and I blacked out.
woke up several hours later in my room, sore with cum all over my body,
dry come. I had no idea then but this would be the routine from now on:
wake up, eat breakfast, eat dad, shower, fuck dad, eat dad again,
sleep, and repeat. After about a month of this I decided to run away
from home. I had no idea where I would I go but I knew I could never go
back. Run, run, run, run, run, just keep running, I just need to keep
running, if he catches me, it's all over, that's what I was thinking as I
I came to a cave where I took refuge for the night, but my
heart rate was so elevated and I was so scared I couldn't sleep. I had
looked around the cave and was eventually spotted by another Lopunny.
"Mom, mom is that you?" the lady just chuckled at how cute I was.
"No, I'm sorry Jenna but I am not you mother, but I am here to help you in this time."
"Wait, how did you know my name?"
yes, that is quite irrelevant right now, listen I know your father has
been having sexual intercourse with you recently against your will, and
you should hate him, but you have two options at this cave. This, The
Cave of Precognit Mirages (cave that tells of events that will happen),
will give you your two choice for the rest of your life. I you choose to
forgive you father and go back, you will eventually achieve happiness,
but never enough to become a Lopunny. If you choose a new life, you will
meet an unusual man who will challenge everything you have believed
until that point, that man you will love more than anything else, and as
you accept him you shall be his mate. Turn back from this point know to
go back to your former life, of go deeper into the cave to begin life
Those were the exact words the woman said to me, I was
still crying, but I was happy to have my angel with me, well I think she
was my angel. I chose to walk further into the blackness, waving
goodbye while I could still see the faintest resemblance of light, but
the older Lopunny had vanished without a sound, just like the wind. I
walked into total darkness to see a white light that emanated from my
body and lit up the whole cave causing Zubat and Woobat recoiling in
pain. I walked ahead still and instead of pain, I felt sheer bliss.

Chapter 3: The Result of Being a Good Person

The bliss that comes when a new resolution is formed, when the world
gives you a seed and it grows into an apple tree; the fresh taste of
blood on a Sharpedo's tooth; or even the bliss of rebirth, that's what
I'm feeling now, pure bliss. The feeling of evolving into something
beautiful, that's what I feel now, the complete eminent embodiment of
happiness and beauty. I don't know what kind of cave I have recently
passed through but that Lopunny left me rather, hopeful, maybe all I
ever needed was a little more hope, maybe dad too.
I started my
way through the Ilex Forest seeing tons of Pokémon, Burmy, Caterpie,
Weedle, Spinark, and even some Riolu and Budew. I enjoyed nature
immensely ever since I was a small Lopunny, but now its amplified, it a
complete infatuation now, but that is not the point of this chapter.
walked through the forest for what seemed like an eternity full of
overlapping circles, and ended up in a small town full of many kind,
working, and generally happy Pokémon all with families. Some Pokémon
were clerks at specialty stands, like fruits and cosmetics, while others
were enjoying an evening walk, whether it be romantic or for the
family. Me, I was taken in by the sights, busy looking around for any
unusual looking Pokémon, for the Lopunny I met told me my mate would be
most unusual indeed. From time to time I would bump into Pokémon and no
matter how fierce they looked, they would smile at me and say. "I'm very
sorry miss, excuse me." People in this town are very well mannered.
eventually made my way to a home and the landlord said it was for sale.
I talked to her about purchasing it, telling her I had no belongings,
and no money and she must of pitied me, we made a deal in which I paid
her 125 Pokedollars for 5 months, as the cost was 625. I thanked her,
and she told me the first payment was due in three weeks. I decided to
go through the kind town and look for a job.
I walked past a
Pokemart to see a grey Kangaskhan with deep purple eyes come out. I
noted that this abnormally colored Kangaskhan had no child in its pouch,
it was either mateless or the female was somewhere else. I stood there
studying him for a while, I actually hadn't noticed when he was staring
right back at me with an inquisitive expression.
"Umm, hello miss?" he asked making sure I hadn't totally spaced out.
It took me a moment for my head to return back to reality. "Huh? OH! Hi, how are you Mr. Kangaskhan?"
"Please," he said, "Mr. Kangaskhan is my nephew, call me Michael." Is this man funny or what?
I know it's kind of late, and I've never met you before, but Michael,
lets go on a date," should I be doing this with a stranger so early.
"Oh, sorry, I just got dumped again, I have horrible luck with women."
"Oh, that's too bad, you know, everyone gets down sometimes, all we need is a confidence booster to pick us back up."
"Okay, fine, I'll go on a date with you if it will allow me to get home quicker."
there I was, walking down the street with a Kangaskhan who had just
been dumped by some dumb girl, however, I just met my soul mate so I'm
kind of happy all of this is happening. First on our date I take him to
Whitney's Diner, a diner started by Whitney's Miltank, incidentally, the
milk is free. I have never been to a diner before, but it is delicious,
they have human food here, hamburgers, bacon, ham, Pidgeot, everything.
I have a tall glass of milk fried Pidgeot and Mac and Cheese for a
side. Kangaskhan order 3 hamburgers with a glass of beer. Well whatever,
it is his money, not mine. I was actually happy he had liquor though,
he was a much more fun person to be around with liquor, he was talking
to me, making jokes, laughing with me, it was bliss, I cant believe he
was so recently dumped.
Afterward, we caught a late night
presentation of a romantic movie, very touchy feely. It was one of those
movies where everyone kissed throughout and every kiss scene is a half
hours long in the movie, however I noticed Michael was not disgusted,
but humored with everything; while couples exchanged lovey-dovey kisses,
we exchanged laughter at others expense, all in all, this was for the
most part a fun night.
After the movie, we decided to go home and
he ended up walking me home, this slightly intoxicated, recently dumped
man was walking me home, and at the time I thought he was just being a
gentleman, but unfortunately I was mistaken. When we got to my newly
obtained home, we exchanged our goodbyes and he even kissed me deeply,
in which I took in the strong scent of beer emanating from him and
another scent, one I haven't smelled since my father. As I said goodbye
he pushed me into the house, then the "fun" began.
I saw his 10
inch long manhood as he forced me to suck on it. I don't like sucking
cock and I tried to push it out of my mouth, but to no avail. Michael
put his paws on my head and forced me up and down violently on his cock;
I had gagged a few dozen times but was drowned out by his loud moans.
He came inside my mouth, his sticky baby making juice flowing out of my
mouth while he fucked my face until he came in my mouth again. After
that he wasted no time, and while I was coughing from choking on his
semen, he repositioned himself over my vagina and entered me quickly. It
hurt so badly, something so huge abruptly coming into my body, not only
that, he pumped in and out flawlessly like a pro. He was so rough and I
hated that, but what I hated most was how much I enjoyed it, for every
thrust into me, he hit that right spots.
After what seemed like an
eternity I blacked out. When I awoke I was lying on the floor, a
strange scent emanated from me while I felt crust on my body. That was
when my hatred for men began. soon found my uncle who is a Linoone (my
grandmother was quite social), and paid my landlord in advance.
Eventually I took up picnicking on a hill. One day I saw something
unusual, a red and black jackal looking Pokémon, who looked quite cute. I
walked up while thinking, whatever happened before is in the past, for
this must be the mate that Lopunny was talking about.

Extended Epilogue

Jason stood at the little kiosk seemingly in the middle of nowhere, he
was dying of boredom. He was not doing this because he likes it, but
because he love Jenna. He was stand at the fruit stand since he
"replaced" the former clerk and told his boss that he quit. This was a
suitable job because his beloved Jenny came here everyday for dinner
supplies, and it was nearby too. The sun was starting to settle with a
beautiful red-orange on the horizon, signaling to Jason it was almost
quitting time.
"Ah, thank god," he said to himself. He felt a
little shiver of cold start to form, as it isn't as warm as it was
earlier in the day. As if by magic he felt a warm cotton scarf form
around his neck.
"Hey there cutie, are you ready to come home?" said his impregnated mate that he loved more than anything.
"Yeah," he said as they walked off toward their home.
Jason and Jenna walked home happily, hand in hand, they both had very
wide smiles smeared across their faces. This surprise Jason once he
realized it, he also realized that since his mom died, he had never been
so happy with another soul in his life that wasn't Jenna. Jason looked
over and looked over Jenna curiously with a look of enticement and a
look of confusion mashed into one glance.
"What," she said to him.
A took Jason a few minutes to process and retaliate to what Jenna just said, "Huh? Oh, it's nothing Jenny."
the couple arrived at their home, Jason was welcomed with steamed
Sitrus Berries, a hug, and a kiss, which were all provided by Jenna. The
two were ever so close since Jason's color change, and it seemed that
Jenna's pregnancy hormones brought them even closer. At times, Jenna
would seem to love everything and everyone, and then she would retreat
to her room to cry about how all the men in her life end up hurting her
one way or another. One time she started yelling at Jason for sleeping
longer than he usually does, but as soon as she comes down from her mood
swings, Jenna always showers Jason with her affection.
Jason sat
down and gulped down the Sitrus berries on the plate happily and
hungrily. After his dinner, Jenna migrated over to him and laid herself
down in his arms, and the two fell asleep with each other, cuddling
closely; some might call it sickening how lovey-dovey they were acting,
those who were jealous of their intimacy.
That night, Jenna had
nightmares of those men she thought about during her mood swings. She
had a dream in which she stood as Buneary in her room drawing pictures
on her wall and all of a sudden, a large Lopunny walks in with a hard
cock. Jenna gets pinned to the wall and raped hard all night. She then
starts running through a forest later and evolves. She comes to a large
town and meets a gray Kangaskhan, who rapes her after he takes her home,
just Jenna's father. She starts going on picnics the next day after she
was raped and meets a red and black Lucario. She takes him in like a
stray cat and is excessively nice to him, which in return earns her a
mate. Then she sees happy times with Jason and two kids. Then the gray
Kangaskhan comes back and tries to attack her but is quickly dealt with
by her mate, the one she is so madly in love with right now.
She awoke abruptly in pain and sweating with Jason kneeling down at her side, staring at her crotch with a serious face on.
"Jason, I think the egg is coming," said Jenna.
I had expect so, you had been grunting and sweating throughout the
night, I'm surprised you hadn't woken up yet," Jason said.
let out a long, painful scream followed by a tiring groan, followed by
an oval shaped bulge moving closer to her pelvis. Jason saw this and
grabbed her paw and held it so tightly, to tell her he had no intention
on leaving her, while encouraging Jenna to push harder, even if it hurt
her. After several minute when by, Jenna pushed very hard, so much so
that her brown face turned a red-violet and a vein in her forehead
pulsed so much it looked as if it would burst any second. This went on
for about 30 second, 30 seconds in which Jenna couldn't breathe because
of how hard she was pushing. Eventually, a cream-ish egg with sea green
polka dots on it popped out of her vagina, followed by a second one.
looked in astonishment at Jenna's vagina, watching it twitch vigorously
every few seconds, and then he looked at the eggs, which were what
appeared to be a healthy color. Jason took one egg in each arm and
showed them to his sore, exhausted mate, to which she squealed excitedly
in delight to hold and rock the egg back and forth in her motherly
Over the following weeks, three and a half actually, Jason
had taken a paid vacation off from the fruit stand, which meant it
closed, meaning for three weeks Jason and Jenna had to eat freshly
picked fruits. Jason had taken the vacation in honor of his children for
on the final day of his vacation, he and Jenna witnessed an amazing
feat. In each egg, two similar cracks appeared in each, then another,
then two more, and then another two, then finally two Pokémon, who
appeared to be sweating, came out of the eggs and cranked their necks
vigorously and searched inquisitively around the room. Both Pokémon
seemed to be female. On resembled a Riolu, I was brown, and on the end
of its ears, near its feet, and every where its spikes would be, there
were yellow clouds of fur, resembling a Lopunny's. The other was a blue
and black Buneary with spike in its chest and on the back of its palms.
The two seemed to have features the other should have, but that made
them all the more special.
"What should we name them, Jason?" asked Jenna.
"We should name them Nicki and Jeule," said Jason without second thoughts, and the two never looked back on their decision.

= Lopunny's Pain Exclusive Verson =

WRITTEN IN Lopunny's P.O.V.:
I love
my kids, I do, and I love my mate, Jason as well. Lately I have been
having problems in my dreams, the dreams involve all the men I have been
sexually entangled with, Michael is dead, I know, but my father… I
don't know what happened to him. Our kids are about a year old now, so
they have just started talking and I just started home schooling them,
they are everything I could ever want them to be, and more, well, except
still for five minutes.
I have been thinking to myself for a
while, the kids are in their sleep, which is actually a spare room I
didn't bother to tell Jason about, it had slipped my mind. Jason sees me
now and he is walking to me.
"What's wrong, Jenny?" he questions. I love that name Jenny.
"It's about my father," I start, "he, I wonder if he is still alive. He raped me like Michael did, but when I was a Buneary…"
"KIDS, WE ARE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!" Jason yells out rather obnoxiously.
"Why?" I ask him.
"Because I am going to kill him, I can NOT stand people like Michael, like your father, like MY father, I hate them."
from my understanding, Jason's father was just unnecessarily malicious
to everyone around him; my father was just hurt and lonely, but still,
all my life I wanted revenge for what he did to me, even though I may
have initiated it all.
After the kids, Nicki and Jeule are awoken,
we all departed the house. We traveled the very same route I had
traveled long ago but in reverse. We traveled through the heart of the
town, then to a forest, where Nicki and Jeule encountered bug Pokémon
for the first time.
"What's that one mommy?" questioned Nicki, the one who preferred me over Jason, as she was very, very girly.
"Oh, that is a Weedle," I reply happily.
Jeule, the little daddy's girl, who seems a tad like a tom-girl, rubbed her hand spike and asked Jason, "What is that?"
is a little bitch faced Lopunny who is about to be killed by daddy,"
both Nicki and Jeule gasped at this, as they attacked Jason telling him
not to say bad words or that he would kill me, I guess they were unaware
that the Lopunny he was angry at was my father.
We made it to the
cave where I had met that Lopunny a while back, but something was
weird, everything was off. My vision appeared like one of those old,
crackling films from the early 20th century, not only that, everything
was weird. I had became a Buneary, Nicki had the physical traits of a
normal Riolu, well normal to the rest of the world, Jeule looked like
you average Buneary as well, and Jason was red and black, just like when
I had met him. We walked out of the cave and saw a Buneary getting
molested in what appeared to be a simulated screen, it wasn't the actual
environment, yet it was all around us. It took me a minute before I
realized what I was watching, this was what it would look like, watching
me get raped, suddenly the nightmares were back, every thought and
memory of my dad and Michael flashed around me as well as in my head,
everything was weird. This was different from a nightmare though, I
couldn't wake up and shake it off, this was real, this happened, and I'm
seeing from a third person, then suddenly I left my body, I was
reliving everything, the feeling of losing my virginity, the feeling of
being raped repeatedly, the love and warmth of Jason, everything was
experienced again, the unimaginable pain I had endured before and I am
enduring now brought me to my knees, then into blackness.
Then I
saw it, I saw my mother, as a child, an orphan, my father, another nerdy
guy, Jason, a confused and hurt person, and me, I truly saw and
remembered my inner turmoil, how it effected the way everyone except how
Jason looked at me. Jason, Jason was the answer to my problems; Jason
makes my worries go away, Jason is my savior…
Then everything
stopped and we were all normal. I led our team back to my old home, I
don't think I am emotionally ready for this, but if he is to die…
opened my door and was shocked at what I saw: a tired, hunched,
depressed looking Lopunny with a nearly colorless coat. This Lopunny was
my father, the same father who had raped me, then, that is when I saw,
finally, I knew his pain, all the time he had been alone, eating
nothing, saying nothing, almost dead, it was sad. I knew all this time
though; I knew it would end up like this since my mom had died, I just
didn't want to accept it. When I ran away, he completely lost it, he
stopped doing everything except breathing, I saw he hadn't slept since I
left, his eyes had become my own; his eyes shifted to me for a split
second and uttered the word, "Cherry…" I then made up my mind, for his
eyes, pleaded for mercy.
In a matter of moments, I had seen
everything I had not as a child, it was a never ending rotation of
depression that I could end, that I will end, now.
"Jason," I
begin speaking, choking over my word, tears streaming down my eyes, "do
it fast, in the least painful way, for his sake, please."
covered Nicki and Jeule's eyes, I knew he understood. He jabbed his
spike through my father's old, fragile body, killing him on impact. In
my head his voice sounded with a sad, thank you, Jenna, and looked up to the sky, tears showing, a smile on my face.
"Your welcome…"